Many bookmark sharing provide a method for exporting and importing bookmarks but for those looking to automate the process or want more flexibility with their sharing options there are some extensions worth checking out.
GGather is a tag-oriented bookmark manager for personal and social use. Available as a Chrome & Opera extension and a bookmarklet it provides an alternative to traditional folder-based organization of bookmarks. GGather also allows users to rate bookmarks, edit their titles and descriptions as well as add notes to them. While the free plan is limited in its features (e.g., bookmark collections sorting and layout choices) it is the recommended option for those seeking an easy solution for bookmark syncing across multiple devices.
Streamlining Your Web Experience: The Benefits of Bookmark Sharing
Bookmarks can be saved as public shares and can be visited by anyone who has the URL. When clicked the share snaps to the date and filters that were present when the bookmark was created – this makes it easy for people outside your company to get an overview of what is on your calendar without needing access to DayBack. Filters work the same way in public shares that they do in your DayBack instance, allowing you to easily select only the resources or statuses you’re interested in seeing.
Power BI bookmarks can be renamed, deleted or updated by selecting the More options (…) next to the name of the bookmark and choosing an action from the menu that appears. They can be set to display a specific visual or all visuals, or to only show the current page change (including data properties) when you click the bookmark.