If you’re looking for an extremely fast electric skateboard that won’t break the bank, look into the Carlyn EVO2WD Falcon. This electric skateboard is the prefect choice if you need a powerful electric skateboard. The thing is, there are a lot of cheap electric skates out there, but only one of them can give you the speed and torque you need. That’s why you need to check out this review before deciding on the next electric skateboard that you’re going to buy from your local stores.
If you’d like an extremely powerful electric skateboard, without breaking the bank, head to the Carlyn EVO2WD Falcon. This electric skateboard comes with 4WD s capabilities, while this particular model also has a slightly weaker acceleration. It can reach speeds of 23 mph, which is just a little bit faster than most of the other models available out there. However, this particular model still manages to retain a very good cruising speed, which will come in handy when riding on some back roads.
Regardless of the fact that the battery will last longer if you use both throttle and acceleration, there’s no doubt about the fact that this particular design will give you the most fun and ultimate performance out of all the board designs available today. When it comes to durability, the Carlyn batteries are quite durable, which means you should have no problem riding the board for many years to come. On the downside, the weight of the motor is a little bit too heavy for some beginner riders, so make sure you take that into consideration before purchasing the board. The speed and acceleration of this particular model might not be for everyone, but you’ll definitely get your money’s worth if you’re looking for a very powerful ride at an affordable price. Check out the Carlyn E-Stick 2.0 for yourself and see if it can deliver the insane speed and performance you’ve been craving!