Over the counter boric acid vaginal suppository is a homeopathic medicine that treats yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV).
Your body naturally contains small amounts of yeast on the skin, inside your mouth, and in some areas of your vagina. It’s healthy to have this bacteria in a natural environment, but under some conditions — such as pregnancy or immunocompromised patients — the amount of yeast can grow too high and cause an infection.
When yeast overgrows in your vagina, it causes a condition called candidiasis. Antifungal drugs like miconazole can help reduce yeast infection symptoms.
The Benefits and Risks of Using Boric Acid Vaginal Capsules for Vaginal Health
However, it’s important to remember that some fungi are resistant to antifungal medications. If your symptoms aren’t improving or if you have an underlying medical issue, you should talk to your healthcare professional about other treatment options.
You should also be aware that boric acid suppositories may interfere with other medicines and supplements you are taking. Some of these include oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapies.
If you are using a suppository, be sure to use it at least once a day. It should be inserted into the vagina with an applicator or finger.
Boric acid suppositories are used to treat recurrent yeast infections. They work in much the same way as other antifungal creams and suppositories you’d get over-the-counter or from your doctor.
Boric acid suppositories should be used once a day, preferably before bedtime. They should be inserted into the vagina with the applicator or your finger, and they should be left in for at least 3 days.