Using a boric acid vaginal suppository can help you treat BV. It is a homeopathic medicine that has been used to treat vaginal infections for over a century.
How do I temporarily stop BV smelling?
Boric acid vaginal suppositories for bv is a common infection that affects about 1 in 4 women in the U.S. It is caused by the bacteria Trichomonas vaginalis. Symptoms include an abnormal vaginal discharge and pain during sexual activity. If left untreated, BV can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease.
Boric acid has antifungal and antiviral properties that can help cure BV. It can also balance the pH of the vagina. If the pH is disrupted, the bacteria that cause BV can overgrow.
BV can be treated with prescription antibiotics. However, if BV is recurring, using boric acid may be an option. It is an inexpensive treatment that may help cure BV infections. If you are interested in using boric acid, it is important to speak with your doctor.
Boric acid is not recommended for pregnant women. It can also be harmful to fetal development. It should also be kept away from pets. It may be toxic if swallowed. If you are pregnant, seek medical attention immediately if you think you may have swallowed boric acid.
You can get boric acid over-the-counter or in a suppository. Make sure you use an applicator to insert the suppository into your vagina.
When using a boric acid suppository, make sure you leave it in your vagina for an hour before you remove it. This will help to restore the pH of your vagina and eliminate symptoms of BV.